ILC NewsLine
China's Active ILC Participation with ATF2 Quadrupole Magnet Fabrication
IHEP will contribute 24 quadrupole magnets to ATF2 at KEK.

The ATF2 experimental facility at KEK is one of the most important international collaboration programs dedicated to studying the ILC final focus subsystem. In ATF2, the beam will be extracted from a damping ring, ATF, and then focused transversely to less than 40 nanometers -- the smallest transverse beam size ever obtained. (The ILC required vertical beam size at the interaction point will be approximately 10 times smaller.)

To contribute actively to this important ILC R&D related program, the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences fabricated the required 24 quadrupole magnets for the first phase of ATF2 and will produce other magnets for the second phase. The first set of magnets was shipped to KEK in March, and the rest of the magnets will be available in this summer. During the production of the magnets, experts from IHEP, KEK, and SLAC collaborated efficiently to solve problems in fabrication and measurement.

Even though that staff at IHEP was also occupied with fabricating magnets for their own BEBC-II and the Shanghai Light Source, the scientific managers, engineers and factory technicians tried very hard to guarantee the schedule and quality of the ATF2 quadrupole magnets. IHEP has a great deal of experience producing high quality magnets and has contributed to such projects as PEP-II and SPEAR3.

For the Chinese ILC Collaboration Group, the ATF2 magnet becomes their first milestone in ILC international collaboration. Chinese scientists expect to make more contributions to the ILC in the future.

-- Jie Gao, IHEP